3D exploration in style and fidelity standard for a few unnamed projects.

Snail Man Zsculpt

Snail Man Zsculpt

Horn Head Zsculpt

Horn Head Zsculpt

Baby with blend morph for cinematic

Stylized Rhino z-sketch with reference

Stylized Rhino z-sketch

Stylized Head z-sketch with reference

Stylized Head z-sketch

Mugwump model with concept (WIP)

Mugwump model (WIP)

Mugwump model (WIP)
Work from Star Wars: The Old Republic

Unused Alien Head Z-sculpt

Deshade Z-sculpt

Rakghoul Z-sculpt

Rakghoul Textured

Trandoshan Z-sculpt

Voss Variants

Voss in game
Work from Star Wars Galaxies

Boba Fett

Mandalorian Armor

Pit Droid

Super Battle Droid


Scout Trooper

Sith Witches: Singing Mountain Clan

Star Destroyer

Star Destroyer detail

Star Destroyer in game